Entries are now open for Honda Quest True Adventure 2020 – the ultimate adventure motorcycle competition, on what Honda claims is the ultimate adventure motorcycle, the all-new CRF1100L Africa Twin.
Do you have what it takes?
Honda is looking for true adventure riders of Southern Africa. Men and women of courage who are adventurous, don’t shy away from physical and mental challenges, take the initiative and function as part of a team.
Quest is not a race or a rally, it is an adventure expedition, designed to test human endurance and adaptability. Finalists will be tested and judged on their adventure motorcycle riding, mechanical skills, as well as their endurance, courage, and resilience against the African terrain and the numerous challenges they will be presented with by the Quest instructors.
What happens next?
After receipt of the entries, Honda Motorcycles Southern Africa, along with the Specialised Adventures instructors, will select 30 applicants to attend the Quest Boot Camp taking place in Cape Town from the 10th to the 12th ofMarch 2020. During boot camp, the instructors will select 14 finalists, to participate in the Quest True Adventure 9-day, 2500km off-road adventure expedition in the Northern and Western Cape starting on April 2nd 2020.
Costs and logistics
Participation in the Honda Quest True Adventure 2020 is free, however, travel to and from Cape Town for boot camp and Quest is not included, and for the cost of the contestants.
Entrants should take note of the dates for boot camp and the actual Quest event, should they need to apply for leave from their workplace.
The prize
Apart from the title of winning Quest True Adventure 2020, the winning team will each win the Honda Africa Twin CRF1100L that they used during the Quest True Adventure event.
How to enter?
Simply visit the official Quest website at www.quest-trueadventure.com
Closing date for entries, February 23rd 2020.