21 examples created during the month of May at the Sant’Agata Bolognese automaker may have a sticky left door handle which could make opening it from the outside an impossible task. As a result, a Huracan recall which includes some STO and Evo models will be taking place.
The Huracan recall where 21 models of the Evo and STO will be taking place in the United States have the production dates from the 2nd to the 9th of May, 2022. The American National Highway Traffic Safety Administration cited the following about the V10 supercar: “This failure could lead to the inability to operate the handle from outside of the vehicle with a safety risk in case of emergency. The door can be opened from inside at any time.”
The issue itself is centred around the left door handle where a safety clip for the cable that unlatches the door may be in the incorrect position. Thus potentially loosening over time and making it an arduous or impossible task of opening the door from the outside. Opening it from the inside will still however be possible but the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration have requested action be taken in the incident of an emergency where the occupants are incapaciteted.
Lamborghini conducted an internal investigation after a production like quality check discovered the incorrectly assembled component. The Italian automaker thereafter accredited the defect to human error. Of course, some of the models have already been delivered to their customers. Affected owners will be notified between the 1st and 8th of July 2022.
Fortunately, the number is low at 21 and the fix is straightforward enough not requiring any new components or excessive time spent away from their new owners.After all, which Lamborghini owner wants to part ways with their brand new purchase for more than a few days at a time?!