CAR’s new intern gives you six useful tips to help you ace your K53-based driver’s test
By: Connor Edwards
The weeks leading up to your K53 driver’s test, and all you have done is practice. Blind spot, mirror, indicate, blind spot, mirror, indicate; left then right. You are probably sick of it … I know, I was too.
So, of course, you want to pass first time, it is the least hassle, and quite frankly, more fun. I would assume. See I did not pass first time, I reversed into a pole in the yard on my first go, a very simple mistake that could easily be avoided. So, what did I do the second time round?
I made it a habit
Like I said, some of the things you are required to do for your K53 driver’s test are tedious, even irritating. It is for that exact reason however that you must do them, and do them properly. Try and group all your practice sessions as close together as possible, and then only drive the way you do in your lessons. Form those habits early and do not break them until your test. You should especially focus on not breaking them in the last week leading up to your test. Make it habit, because habit becomes second nature, and you do not want to have to think about what to do next during your test because you might panic.
I counted
It sounds a bit silly, you’re not in grade 1 anymore, you don’t need to relearn how to count, but trust me: if you count your checks, and your movements, and you know how many movements you make in each situation, be it a three-point turn or alley docking maneuver, then you will know if you have missed a check and can restart from scratch. Ordering your thoughts like that also keeps you thinking logically. The first time I just tried to relax and drive, and hope that muscle memory would carry me through. This meant that my head was all over the place and so when my alley docking test started going wrong, my thoughts were out of order and I did not make a clear and concise decision about what to do next, I just kept moving … which ended badly.
I used my redo
The reason I failed the first time was because I turned in too early on the alley docking section, and then thought: “Actually, I can do this if I just…hmm… turn here and… hmm, turn there, and…OH… that’s a pole”. Not my brightest moment. If I had just stopped, and used my retake, I probably would have succeeded, and may have even gotten my license that day. So, do not be afraid to slow down, order your thoughts, and use that retake, it can make the world of difference.
I didn’t try ot make friends
I tried to make friends with my K53 instructor on the day. No point really. It did not matter how big the smile I wore was, there was no reaction. The instructors are there to do a job, and I’m quite certain they are all bored stiff by it, so do not be surprised if your instructor is one of the less friendly people you encounter on the day. I say this because I have heard too many people talking about how horrible their instructor was when they went. Pay no attention to what your instructor thinks of you. Driving tests are stressful enough, so just focus on yourself. Plus, your instructor’s got half a dozen tests to get through that day. You, just the one.
I kept It a secret
Ok not quite, but the more people you tell, the more you will feel the need to please. Keep it to family and maybe a friend or two. Telling everyone at your school because you are ridiculously excited… not such a good idea. That next school day might not be so much fun if you fail.
Check your expectations
When I failed the first time, I threw the largest tantrum Cape Town and its surrounds has ever seen. I had been driving so much and it was so important to me to pass, that I was utterly convinced I was going to get it. Don’t tell yourself you’ll get it, be quietly confident in yourself but always aware that you might not, just enough to quash any expectations. Trust me, it eases the pressure and lowers your stress.
Are you a first-time or learner driver? Do you have a story to share about trying to pass your learner’s or driver’s test? Share it with us at [email protected]
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