Ferrari’s new FF concept, which allegedly stands for Ferrari Four, but to my mind is probably more akin to Family Ferrari, has generated a lot of buzz since pictures of the concept car broke. At last, a Ferrari that a Sheikh can use to take his wife and at least two of their kids to the Dubai Gold exchange for the weekly jewel shopping trip.
It’s being touted as Ferrari’s answer to the likes of Porsche’s Panamera, the Aston Martin Rapide and Lamborghini’s rumoured upcoming four-door supercar, but it lacks one critical component when compared with the other protagonists… it doesn’t have four doors!
The Panamera is ugly but its raison d’être is its four doors, and that’s why its a practical option for sportscar aficionados. As someone who has children and HAD a three-door car I can attest to how annoying it is to have to get out and pop seats up and down for them to get in and out of the back.
If Ferrari wanted to build a “family” car, it should have gone the whole way and made it a proper four-door – I understand that the adoption of a two-door design was rooted in the sporty connotations such a layout should suggest, but the unfortunate upshot of this approach is that the FF’s profile, with that squashed back window section, now looks uncannily similar to a circa 2000 BMW M Coupé on steroids.
There’s nothing worse than a half-baked lasagna, and that, to my mind, is what the FF is – Ferrari founder Enzo must be spinning in his grave. He’d probably burn the factory down from beyond the other side if Ferrari ever decides to further diversify and release an SUV…
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