Mercedes-Benz 5,5-litre V8 to be replaced

By: Steve Smith

Come 2016, the impressive Mercedes-Benz twin-turbo 5,5-litre V8 will be replaced in all models by the twin-turbo 4,0-litre V8 already seen in the Mercedes-AMG GT. The newer engine is smaller, lighter, more powerful and delivers much improved fuel and emissions numbers than the 5,5-litre V8.

The 5,5-litre “M157” has had a relatively short lifespan, being first introduced in 2011, and will still do duty in the upcoming GLE Coupé, as well as the S-Class Coupe convertible set to be unveiled in 2016.

After then though, it will give way to the 4,0-litre “M178” twin-turbo V8 currently employed in the GT and the soon-to-be launched C63 AMG.

(We’ll be driving that C63 in Portugal at the end of next month so keep an eye out for our thoughts on it).

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