Those who will be on the road this Easter weekend need to be prepared for the increased traffic over the next few days. Each year, the causes of crashes remain similar, even as the numbers change, and drivers can learn from this.
Use these common causes of crashes from previous years to be prepared to handle whatever one encounters on the road. The CEO of MasterDrive, Eugene Herbert, says, “I encourage each driver on the roads, either travelling to holiday destinations or moving between family and friends, to use the power of hindsight and learn from previous busy periods. Each year, causes of crashes are similar and indicate what drivers should do to reduce their risk when driving this holiday period.”
Related: Holiday tips to stay safe over the festive season
Herbert assesses some of these scenarios:
1. Pedestrians:
Every year pedestrians are one of the largest groups affected by crashes. When travelling to holiday destinations, watch the sides of roads for people and react as soon as you see a pedestrian. Do not wait for them to first step into the road before you react. Be aware of road signs indicating areas with high risk of pedestrians crossing roads. Where possible, avoid night driving when it is more difficult to spot pedestrians. Additionally, inebriated pedestrians are unlikely to make safe road decisions and drivers should slow down and give every pedestrian an adequate berth, irrespective of whether they look intoxicated or not.
2. Drinking and driving:
It goes without saying that you should not drink and drive but you can still encounter other drivers who do. Be aware of the signs that indicate drivers have consumed alcohol, such as weaving between lanes, driving too fast or too slowly or delayed responses. As soon as you suspect a driver is intoxicated, increase the distance between yourselves and move away from the driver as quickly and safely as possible. Contact authorities as soon as it is safe to do so.
3. Reckless driving:
Speeding, overtaking on blind rises, disobeying road rules and drivers who pressurise others often cause crashes. Follow the same strategy that you would with a drunk driver and increase the space between yourselves and move away from them as quickly as possible. For example, if a driver speeds up behind you, rather safely move out of the way than refuse to let them pass. It is also important to be on the lookout for drivers passing on blind rises or taking other risks in oncoming traffic. Do your best to catch their attention, failing which, move off the road rather than remain where you are or move into the lanes of oncoming traffic. Again, if you can safely alert authorities, do so.
Related: ‘Optimistic’ outlook of 1 451 road fatalities over festive season
If drivers are aware of potentially risky situations and know how to react, road fatality statistics could be considerably reduced. “Everyone planning on driving this week should ensure they drive defensively and be prepared for whatever the road, or other drivers, throw at them,” says Herbert.