Giraffe dies after its head is slammed into bridge

By: CAR magazine

A young giraffe died from head injuries sustained while being transported, blindfolded, together with another giraffe, in an open truck along a highway in Centurion. A veterinarian had determined that the giraffe, which he described as young, “had died due to head injuries”.

Luckily the second giraffe is still alive, but I assume he is still in pain? How would you feel if you just hit your head into a bridge while going 120km/h? It’s so sad that these animals suffer due to people’s negligence.

“Our investigations so far showed that the transport used was inadequate and incorrect,” said Rick Allan, spokesperson for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. "All we can ascertain at this stage is severe head trauma. We are continuing our investigation with the view to possibly lay criminal charges against those responsible," said Rick Allan.


(Source: RTE News)


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