Driving on any of the national roads in South Africa, you have more than likely noticed the ominous warning signs, such as: "If you drink and drive you’re a killer!" or others of the same nature.
I don’t think many under-appreciate the severity and dangers of driving while under the influence, but what are people’s views on texting while driving?
According to Arrive Alive: using your cellphone while driving, either to text or make a call -“ is equally, or even more dangerous than driving while under the influence.
This has led to their most recent campaign, aiming to warn drivers of the risks of driving while being distracted by your mobile devices.
Resulting in signs such as, "IF YOU TEXT AND DRIVE YOU’RE A KILLER".
At a glance, it’s easy to view this sentiment as hyperbolic -“ shrugging it off and thinking it can’t be all that bad. However, the statistics don’t lie and these indicate that texting while driving will make you 23% more likely to be involved in an accident. Putting not only yourself, but others at risk too.
Arrive Alive’s aim with this campaign is to influence South African drivers who, "are not concerned enough about the implications of texting and driving." and rightly so!
If you believe that drinking and driving should not be tolerated in society, then you should share a similar view on texting and driving – so drive conscious!
Arrive Alive urge drivers to spread the message, in order to make the roads of South Africa a safer place.
Take a look here at a device that will prevent you from texting and driving!
Source: Arrive Alive