In August of last year, a Lambo clocked an 180 km/h speeding ticket in an 80 zone of a carriageway north of the British town of Middlesbrough. The driver has since been handed a hefty fine and a driving ban for six months.
The Lamborghini Huracan pictured in the speeding infringement was doing double the recommended speed limit of the A689 on which it was travelling on the 14th of August in 2021 as reported by local publication Teesside Live. It may not be the fastest speed an exotic Italian sports car has been trapped at but the Lamborghini in question has come under intense scrutiny after the stretch of road boasts the unfavourable reputation of 45 collisions within two years according to roads policing inspector Jamie Bell. The inspector further stated: “Travelling at more than double the speed limit at 112mph is extremely dangerous and leaves very little time to stop should there be an unexpected hazard, despite this particular vehicle having a high-performance braking system.”
The 41-year old driver was subsequently charged with exceeding the 50 mph (80 km/h) speed limit and has now been convicted at the Teesside Magistrates’ Court with a £600 fine, plus £85 costs and a £50 surcharge. This all tallies up to around R15,000 in payable fines – not something that should worry an owner of the Raging Bull however a six month driving ban might just.
After all, owning an exotic piece of Sant’Agata Bolognese isn’t something that should be confined to the four walls of a garage. Have a look at Lamborghini’s Sterrato and JV Stradale models which could be the manufacturers last pure ICE powered vehicles.