You can now jam-proof your Hyundai with a new accessory from the Korean manufacturer. As we all know, this kind of unforced entry into cars by thieves is increasing in South Africa, however Hyundai claims its new Sanji ZX Jam Alert can combat this new crime method.
Offered as an optional accessory, the ZX Jam Alert will do all that checking for you, and help to lower the levels of paranoia about car jammers who use remote locking devices to block the signal of your remote control key.
If the Sanji ZX Jam Alert detects a signal from a car lock jammer’s device, it will give four sound pulses from the 110 decibel siren to alert the car owner. The ZX Jam Alert, a product of Sanji Security Systems (a preferred supplier of Hyundai Automotive South Africa), gets fitted in the engine compartment of your Hyundai without any complicated intrusion into the wiring harness of your car.
Installation of the ZX Jam Alert, which draws its power from the car’s battery, will also not affect the Hyundai’s warranty and it can be done at the time of purchase of the car or as an after-fitment at any of Hyundai dealerships
The ZX Jam Alert, contained in a water resistant housing, carries a warranty of 3 years or 100 000 km, whichever expires first, and will take an average time of 45 minutes to install. Sanji also offers added peace of mind from an optional backup battery.
Sanji supplies full instructions of how to test the ZX Jam Alert once it has been installed to make sure it will warn you if a jammer is operating in the vicinity of your car.
The price of the ZX Jam Alert is R896,61 (including VAT and fitment).