Traffic police catch speedster going 242km/h on N1

By: CAR magazine

Minister of Transport Fikile Mbalula and his department especially berated one motorist for taking speeding to an entirely new level.

While sharing the traffic statistics for December, the Minister made special mention of a motorist who flew down the N1 at double the speed limit, at 242km/h.

The incident took place near Ventersburg in the Free State and the driver was caught by police.

Unlike other speedsters, who are usually only a few km over, this won’t just be a standard fine for the highway Formula 1 driver. Speeding at that level requires the driver to go to court for the Magistrate to determine the fine.

So far, there have been 690 road fatalities recorded for December. This month is known as South Africa’s deadliest on the road, with more people driving over the holidays. The stats thus far are lower than previous years, but this is still before Christmas and New Year.

“While it is encouraging to see a decline in fatalities to date, we are still a long way from achieving the 20% target we have set for ourselves this year. I urge all road users to exercise extreme caution as we enter the second phase of our peak travel period,” said Mbalula in a tweet.

The Department are stepping up their holiday enforcement this year with #livebeyonddezemba, encouraging drivers to be responsible while on the roads.

Picture: @fikilembalula/Twitter

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