Instead of pointing out tips for certain instances, Arrive Alive provides timeless tips to inform road users and ultimately make the road a much safer space.
There are three main aspects to dangerous roads -“ 85% driver error, 10% vehicle error and 5% environmental error. Johan Jonck explains:
Environmental error is the cause of about 5% of accidents that take place on the road. There is not much one can do but the following:
1. Stay Alert
2. Regulate Speed
3. Give yourself enough time
4. Avoid distractions
5. Plan
6. Avoid and adjust
Vehicle error counts for about 10% of dangerous happenings on the roads. In this case what you can do to prevent vehicle error is:
1. Vehicle maintenance
2. Always make sure the little things such as you tyres, your windscreen wipers ect are in good working condition. A lot can go wrong from a little fault in your car.
3. Always make sure your spare tyre is up to date- you never know when you will be needing it!!
The biggest aspect to dangerous roads is of course driver error. Johan explains that this mainly happens due to people that don’t follow simple road rules such as the speed limit or safe overtaking. To prevent human error, one can do the following:
1. Obey the simple rules of the road.
2. Make sure you are -˜’driver-fit’’.
3. Never, under any circumstances, drive when you are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or when you are extremely tired.
The main causes for head-on collisions are the following: illegal overtaking, fatigued drivers, distracted driving and drink driving. Johan gives advice and says the best way to protect yourself on the road is to -˜’drive defensively’’. He says, -˜’Always make sure that you do everything in your power to ensure your own safety and the safety of your passenger and fellow road users. Give yourself enough time and enough space.’’