Ever wondered exactly how an engine works? Now you can play with this interactive model and have a little fun while you learn. Local company DigiSoft has given us a taste of its simulation capability by bringing the famous Toyota 1,6-litre 4A-GE engine to life in digital form. The user can change parameters such as engine speed and remove parts of the engine, all while it’s running. Although the simulation can run on a mobile device, take note it’s best experienced on a desktop or laptop computer.
According to Tiaan Prinsloo from DigiSoft, this is a first in a series of simulations we hope to bring to you in time.
“The simulation has been developed as part one of a series, explaining the basics of the internal combustion engine. The idea of the simulation is to help the user visualise the different strokes (cycles) of the typical four-stroke engine. This helps to make it easy for anyone to understand.
“In the next part, DigiSoft plans to indicate the actual spark, together with the explosions so that the user can see the different firing orders. After that we are planning to make a dynamic fluid system to simulate the flow of fuel and air.
“All the parts have been programmed to work together, based on the input received from the user. The r/min of the engine can be adjusted with a simple slider to increase or decrease the speed of the simulation. There are also buttons that can toggle different engine configurations as well as transparency of the different parts,” Prinsloo explained.
Play around with the simulation on DigiSoft’s website HERE…