If you were to make a list of the prime places you’d choose to ride out the zombie apocalypse, it’s a fair bet to assume that a Hyundai Elantra will rank considerably behind the likes of a fortified building, bank vault or waiting speedboat. Well, that might be about to change…
Hyundai, working in conjunction with the creator of cult zombie comic The Walking Dead, Robert Kirkman, designed a tricked-up Elantra capable of striking fear into the very marrow of any brain-loving undead creatures unlucky enough to shuffle in into its path.
Dubbed “The Walking Dead Hyundai Elantra Zombie Survival Machine”, this family car-turned-death-dealing fortress on wheels was built to celebrate the 100th issue of Kirkman’s comic and was shown off to comic book aficionados and their patient mothers at this year’s Comic-con in San Diego. Among its features are:
- A spiked cow-catcher on the nose to plough through the undead hordes.
- A winch to extricate the car when bogged down in the shuddering, mangled remains of said undead hordes you’ve just flattened.
- Cage armour over the windows and headlamps, because zombies don’t knock politely.
- An arsenal in the cabin that includes a pair of trusty old anti-zombie favourites (a machete and a Louisville Slugger baseball bat) and a first aid pack (presumably with a chainsaw to amputate zombie-gnawed limbs).
- A Zombie Survival Machine Owner’s Handbook – you don’t want to confuse the air-con switch for the ejector seat when wading through a crowd of zombies on a sultry post-apocalyptic afternoon.
- A roof hatch from which you can tote your machine gun or hurl grenades/insults at the undead masses.
- Spotlights, as it’s a fair bet that nobody has paid the electricity bill since the apocalypse.
- Wheel-mounted blades to puree any passing revenants you may have missed with the cow-catcher.
- A net cannon in the boot to ensnarl the more fleet-footed flesh-eater.
Check out the two videos below – one showcasing the car with its creators and the other getting the nerds … sorry … fans feedback on what has to be the most badass Korean family car out there.